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Here is Anika's Birthstory and her
Sonogram Pictures

On January 12th I didn't feel good all day, I slept a lot and around 6:30pm while watching ER I had to go the bathroom. I got up and sneezed when I felt a big gush of water running down my legs. I though right away that my water broke. I called my DH at work but got his answering machine, so I told him to hurry, cause this may be it. I got in the shower (since I haven't showered all day), when DH called and asked what's up. I told him to get home as fast as possible.
I finished my shower and got dressed, when I go out I thought I would call the night nurse and ask her if this could be it. She told me that she did not think that my water broke, since I was just 36weeks and I did not have contractions yet. Steven got home and I told that it might be false Alarm. I send him to the Store and Taco Bell to get Dinner. While he was gone I started having Contractions pretty close together, I finished packing the bag since we haven't done that. When he got back I told him that I started to have a pink show and contractions. So he ate and we went to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital it was about 8:30pm. They put me in a delivery/ recovery room. The nurse checked if my water really was broken with a paper strip and sure enough, she told me that we are going to have a baby. My contractions started to become stronger, they started an IV and gave me antibiotics cause have not been tested for Strep B. They couldn’t find the contractions with the monitor, cause I had back labor.
When the nurse checked me I was 1cm and 80%. A little later the doctor came in and checked me again and I was already at 2cm and 100%. I asked, when I could walk around, to progress my labor a little, they said I had to wait till the antibiotics were in and the first bag of saline. Finally around 10:30 I was able to walk, my contractions got very strong and they were all in my lower back, I decided to get an epidural. We walked for about 15min. and then I sat in the rocking chair. The nurse checked me again and I was at 4cm, which meant I was ready for the epi. Steven asked me three times if I really wanted one. I was about to kill him.
The Anesthesiologist came and gave me the epi, when I felt that it was working the nurse checked me and told me that I was a good 6cm. About a half hour later the doctor came in and told me that I was at nine. That was around 1:30 in the morning. A little later I started to feel the urge to push. The nurse checked and sure enough, she said that we are having the baby now.
I started pushing, James Anika’s Godfather was there the whole time and he said you can’t be in labor, cause I was still giggling. The Doctor came and the nurses got everything ready. They told me that I did a great job pushing. Suddenly the doctor tells me not to push and that he had to cut me. I asked why and he told me that we had to get her out now. Steven later told me that her heart rate dropped, and that her cord was around her neck. Well he cut me and told me to push and her head was out. Then one more push and she was born. I didn’t know by then that it was a girl. They put her quick on my tummy, she didn’t cry, so they took her to clean her up and on the way over she started crying. It was the most wonderful sound I’ve ever heard in my life. Finally they told me that we have a girl. I was very exited.
Anika is the sunshine of our lives.
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